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Resins and Gums

Resins and Gums Manufacturers in Chhattisgarh Resin is actually a hydrocarbon secretion of coniferous trees and various other plants that is esteemed for its chemical properties and affiliated uses like the output of adhesives, varnishes and food candying agents as an essential basis of raw materials for organic synthesis and as components of perfume and incense. Besides, Natural gums are actually polysaccharides of natural origin that is able to cause a large viscosity addition in solution, and at small concentrations. In fact, these are also utilized in food industries as gelling agents, thickening agents and so on.

Babulal Sarabhai & Co. is a leading organization that brings forth various ranges of Natural Resins And Gums that encompasses Olibanum Gum, Karaya Gum and Ghatti Gum. All these are demanded by our most of the domestic and international clients like India, Japan, France, Spain, Taiwan, and much more. Owing to such demand, we are enlisted in the market place as one of the reliable Mnaufacturers, Exporters and Suppliers of Resins and Gums from from Raipur, Chhattisgarh (India).

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Olibanum Gum

Olibanum Gum is an aromatic gum resin that is actually found from several Arabian or East African trees. It is generally known for worship and for maintaining and application. It is an element in pharmaceutical drugs and in various forms of perfume. Also, these are used for making homeopathic medicine and are used as a herbal remedy. Actually, the resin is useful for curing digestion, healthy skin, and other sort of diseases.more...

Karaya Gum

Karaya Gum is actually the dried ooze of the Sterculia Urens tree and are big bush trees that turns about more than 9 metres. The trees are just tapped and exudate starts forthwith and extends for several days making unpredictable lumps (or tears) that may consider up to 5 pounds for making gum.more...

Ghatti Gum

Ghatti Gum is actually a water-soluble complex polysaccharide that is oozed out from the bark of the tree Anogeissus latifolia of the Combretaceae family. It is a composite polysaccharide of high molecular weight that takes place nature as magnesium, mixed calcium, sodium salt and potassium and complete hydrolysis.more...

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